
Sundays : Windward Bay


 As usual, Sundays are filled with salt and adventure for me. This Sunday was no exception. True to the spirit of summer, my friend and I went to the beach to soak up the Sun and get a few shades darker. 

Our feet took us to Windward Bay located in English Harbour in Antigua (the wonderful island i live on). The beach isn't really made for swimming, there are a few spots you can wade in, but its a nice place to go when you want to relax and clear your head. 

We decided this time that we wouldn't be content staying on the beach, and took the initiative to climb the hill and get a higher view of the landscape. It took a while, as the hill is fenced separating beach from private property. We climb the rocky hillside, and tried but failed to climb over the wire fence. Then as if God himself put it there, we found a gap in the bottom of the fence on the hillside with ample space for us to pass through. 

We climbed through and up the hill and like we guessed, the view was spectacular. The hillside was a garden of cacti and riddled with footpaths that led to intriguing dig ins and boroughs that we pledged to go back and explore.     The view of the coast line from the hill was amazing and made for an excellent afternoon.  The water was clear, the waves were friendly and the sun was happy in the sky which made the atmosphere even better for the Sunday of adventure.

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  Here's to more Sunday Adventures and Summer magic



Sunday is my favorite day of the weekend.  I get to bum and sleep in a bit later,  and on a good day like today, i get to call up my friends and go to the beach.  Quite frankly,  i think more locals  need to get up,  go outside, and enjoy what's free of charge right infront of them. 

Today my friend Jhodonna and I decided to visit Galleon Beach.  It's one of my favorite places as it has breathtaking scenery and awesome chill spots.  Plus not alot of persons know where it is so it's perfectly quiet and excellent for relaxation. 

  At the beach, there is also a pretty neat restaurant called Roxy's. We ordered Coconut Crushes and barbecue chicken wings and fries.  We had an Awesome time.

  We had invited a few more persons (2) but they weren't able to make it.  They sure missed out on a great day at the rock pools.  

*All photos taken with my iPhone 6

Out and About: Pillars of Hercules


With the Weekend being blissfully lengthy, I had a lot of time to explore the hangouts on my island. The Pillars of Hercules are a notable attraction that is awe inspiring to both locals and visitors alike. Every time i take the trek to see the pillars, the breathtaking dominance of the stone never ceases to amaze. This structure, like most of the world's wonders, is a sign that the earth is an amazingly beautiful place, and that God has to be an artist. As i am a photographer, i took it upon myself to share with you all the wonders of my little island paradise.

I did have my canon, but climbing around with a DSLR around water isn't much of a good idea. So i entrusted most of the photography to my iPhone 5c. The camera could not capture the splendor as much as seeing it face to face would, but i can say that the photos still portray the beauty good enough for you to enjoy. I was suited up in all blue so i could blend in with the sea :)


  I also took the time out  to test out my new selfie stick and my under water pouch to get even more dynamic views. I had an excellent Easter Monday getting sun burnt and salty haired... which bite me in the butt later as my hair was hell to detangle and de-sand. Getting to the pillars isn't really all that hard. If you're familiar with the English Harbour area, you drive on down to Galleon Beach and keep walking around toward the rocks.... hop across some loose rocks.... then the mountain side starts to take on an interesting ridge shape... and BLAM the pillars begin to unfold before your eyes and it all appears.  In the photo below you can faintly see a fisherman on the rocks behind me.

A little ways past the pillars, and a lot more climbing, you'd come across some really beautiful rock pools. The pool is shown below :). It's basically two chambers with the first always filled and pool like, and the second is only full at high tide as it is a sort of over flow chamber. It's a really calm place to just relax, chill and reflect. If ever i'm stressed, it's kind of soothing to just think about that place. I'm not really sure how the weather was able to shape the pillars, but i'm really glad that they exist.
