spring fashion

MOSCHINO - Spring/Summer 2015


I've taken a liking to the unusual style of the new MOSCHINO designer, Jeremy Scott. He blends every facet of life and throws it on a piece of clothing. Whether it's your favorite fast food chain or something even more random, Jeremy has it on a model and going down the runway. Well, I've compiled for this post a few looks that caught my eye :)

This particular show was actually headlined to showcase Menswear Spring/Summer 15", however it's dotted with various pieces for women. I found that a bit unusual, but then again, everything is unusual when it comes to Mr.Jeremy Scott. 

Hello : )

  So it's been 2 months of braids and it's finally time to take them out. But before i did, i decided to take a couple of shots with a giant hair bun. My brother and i trudged down the road with my trusty camera in hand and got some pretty decent shots. I think i've grown so much and i'm finally starting to look as if i'm about to be 17. I've been so busy with college and trying to keep on top of everything as of late. It's almost time for me to do my 'big chop' and i'm super duper excited. I can't wait to see the difference.