Out and About: Ffryes Point
Yes. I'm Back at it. I've missed venturing off and finding quiet spaces in nature where I can bask in awe at its beauty. So, since i missed it, I got back at it. I secured my camera & my phone, yes i don't need a repeat, dusted off my trusty sneakers and set out around the rocks at Little Ffryes Beach. I was prepared. I had a little spread and I discovered a nice crook in the rocks and made that my spot for the day. I was at total peace just listening to the sound of the birds and the waves as they crashed on the rocks nearby.
Of course, I decided to get some shots of myself in the space and set my phone and timer and got some pretty decent shots. For the first time in a really long time i felt calm and relaxed and was able to engage in quiet reflection. That's why i go exploring and enjoy finding these little nooks and crannies. It's because I am able to be alone with myself and my thoughts and truly be at peace with myself. Something about being alone with nature gives me this calm assurances.
I love wetting my feet <3
My Shady Little Spot