The City of Lakes
Two Weeks in India
Back in 2022, I secured an amazing Scholarship opportunity from the Indian Government to spend two weeks in the country learning about Women Empowerment, Policy and Vocational Training. I had the most amazing time and met amazing women who I still keep in touch with to this day. This post is an introduction, obviously, but over a series of post I will be unpacking how I spent my life changing two weeks in India
Out & About: Wawel Castle (Poland)
I went to Poland. No not last month… not even last year. I went in 2018. I had an amazing law school class trip and I didn’t say a word. In order to keep myself together during the pandemic I have manifested newfound productivity. Here is the retelling of what my brain can recall about the time I had a touristy trip to Wawel Castle in Krakow.
Out & About: Kraków (Poland)
In 2018, I visited Poland. I spent a few days in the amazing city of Krakow and saw many amazing places. This is just a general overview of the city and getting around with pictures to boot. I’ve got 2 further posts about historical sites I visited whilst there. Yes I know it is 2020, just be glad that I actually decided to share the trip.
Remembering Auschwitz
Two years ago I visited Auschwitz, one of the thousands of concentration and extermination camps that were used by the Nazi’s during World War II and the Holocaust. It was a very unique experience, one which has cemented its place in my psyche. In this post through words and images, I will be remembering Auschwitz