How Long Has It Been?

The last time I published anything here was three years ago and in that time so much about me has changed. I suppose I should take this as an opportunity to reacquaint myself with this space.

The last time I was here I was a 23 year old Post-graduate student grappling with anxiety around my Bar Exams and struggling to navigate the Covid-19 lockdown in London. I was admittedly spiralling because anxiety had set in and I was questioning my abilities and doubting myself.

Fast forward to the present and I am a 26 year old Attorney-at-Law working in Gender Mainstreaming for the Government and called to the bar in two jurisdictions. As you can probably tell, I did more than fine in my Bar Exams.

Thinking back to the things that were at the forefront of my mind 3 years ago really affords me the opportunity to reflect on the growth I’ve undergone in such a short period of time.

I graduated from my Post Graduate programme, I moved back home to Antigua, I started and transitioned from two remote jobs, I was called to the Bar of England and Wales, I started and completed a bar conversion programme, I started a job working for the Government, I started a Fellowship, I was admitted to practice as an Attorney by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, I traveled across the world to INDIA. A lot has changed and change is more often than not a good thing.

I’ve returned to this space because honestly, I’ve missed it. I have missed sharing parts of myself and my thoughts with all of you who have taken the time to read them. I have missed the connection with myself that this public diary provided.

I won’t promise to write something every day… that’s definitely not happening. However, I promise to be present and I promise to reconnect. I have so much that I want to share with you and so many projects that I want to execute through this space that I have reimagined.

How long has it been? Too long.

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