
How Long Has It Been?

How Long Has It Been?

How Long Has It Been? Too Long! The last time I published anything on this blog was three years ago and in that time so much about me has changed. I feel as though I’ve let this Cotton Tree grow unwatered. I suppose I should take this as an opportunity to reacquaint myself with this space and reintroduce myself. It truly has been awhile.


I've been having exams, so it's been awhile since I've posted. But this month made me 18. I am greatful for 18 years of life, love, and learning. I am thankful for the journey i'm on and the choices I've made so far along the road. Sure i've made mistakes, but every mistake is a learning experience.    I'm extremely greatful for my supportive group of friends. I am thankful for my inner circle those 5 beautiful persons  who have latched on to me and have helped in some way or another to nurture my talent. They've stuck with me through the rough patches and for that I'm grateful.

I'm greatful that I'm growing in grace. Never did i think that I'd grow into such a person. I've been told that I inspire and i hope to continue doing that. I'm greatful for my talents, especially photography which has opened so many avenues for me and allowed me to meet such inspirational characters. All the things I've accomplished could not be possible without God.

I am greatful for another chance for another year. Thank God for all he continues to do and for his continued work on me and through me. I've now opened the book of adulthood, i hope the upcoming chapters are just as exciting as the last.

Hair Care: Deep Conditioning


Conditioning is a very important part of my Natural Hair regimen. I have leant since cutting off my hair that shampoo is the devil and will make your hair feel like the Sahara Desert. Conditioner helps your hair maintain moisture and also helps to remove product build-up without completely stripping your hair and scalp of moisture. After a CoWash or a Deep Condition session, your hair is curly, healthy, and vibrant. I've not tried out much deep Conditioners.... in reality i've used two brands (As I Am & DooGro), and so far i've fallen deeply in love with the 'As I Am Deep Conditioner'. My hair is softer, during conditioning my curls are more defined, and at the end my hair is easier to style and smells great all week. Your deep conditioner does not have to be costly but you should research ones that work best with your hair type to avoid disasters. In addition to conditioning your hair, you should always drink a lot of water which helps to lubirate the scalp and skin


It has been 6 months since i big chopped and my hair is already past my ears and on the tip of my nose. I've been taking care of my hair pretty well in my opinion, and i love that my hair is healthy and I'm not forcing my hair to conform and do what it wasn't meant to do. Deep Conditioning is important to make your hair malleable and flexible for styling as well as detangling. If you've recently started your healthy hair journey... Happy trails to you ♥

The Question of Culture & Identity



The question "who am i?" has come up many times in the lives of many individuals. Being a black person, especially, comes with a lot of questions as to your cultural identity. If you ask a non-African black person if they consider themselves an African, more likely than not, the answer will be no. Lots of historians have created this ideal of Africa as the homeland of Blackness and that all black persons are in essence Africans. However, I would not go around calling myself an African or proclaiming the continent my home. Of course i recognize my African background, but i am not African. I was not born there, I cannot speak the language, and I cannot identify with many aspects of African culture. I am simply i person of  African descent who also happens to be a mixture of other ethnic groups as well. I have a bit of Indian, some Portuguese, some African, and a bunch of other mix ups which is to be expected as a person coming from the Caribbean. Being black goes beyond Africa and Africa is not home to solely black individuals. In saying that i am not African, i am not denying my forefathers and i am not denying the slave background which resonates with being a native of the Caribbean. I am simply saying that there is more to me than Africa and defining myself as a person, i have to consider all the other aspects and elements that make me unique. I am a unique blend of various cultures and peoples packaged into an individual known as Annetta. I no longer identify myself as an Antiguan, because my identity is broader than that. I am a Caribbean girl, which encompasses all the unique elements that are found in the Caribbean and relate the unique elements that are found in me. Gaining an understanding of  Africa is  great, because that is where it all started... but that is just it, Africa is only the start. Many other things came in along the road and we shouldn't let generalizations define us. Why are people African Americans or Afro-Caribbean and not European- Americans. It is simply to remind us of our negative past, but we need to look beyond our past and stop using it to identify our selves. We must chose a path of progression or else we become nothing else but our history and we should not let this happen as a person is more than just their past.



Today was a day that was filled with adventure! I was invited by my best friend to spend the day with him, and we ended up hiking to one of my favorite spots. I am an avid lover of exploration & nature, so all in all, i can say that i had a wonderful day, as it was filled by these things. We spent the afternoon making video montages, taking photographs, and covering new ground. A little modeling even took place on our expedition. I enjoyed spending time with my best friend as we hadn't hung out in quite a while. I was really glad to spend some time with the people i cared about in places that make me happier than most. 

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