
Enn Franco Says

I was browsing through a blog i recently found which is curated by one Miss Enn Franco, called Enn Franco Says. She's a blogger currently based in Russia who has a very unique sense of style and shares her lifestyle as well as fashion on her blog. Her style is one that offers me inspiration, and as such, i've decided to post a few of her outfits on my blog. She travels alot and so you can experience many different locations on her blog through her posts.


That Fai Daij


This Australian resident has style to boot! Her clothing is impeccable and her style is nothing short of flawless. As usual, i like to post some of my favorite outfits from the various fashion blogs that i stalk. Her blog also features a lot of unique shoes and helpful style tips. Anyway.. here are some of her outfits:


Fai's stlye incorporates alot of prints and bright colours that work very well together. She's my style guru and i enjoy her outfit posts. I hope to one day post OOTD's as frequently as she does since mine are few and far between :)  

Nazirah Antigua

It isn't everyday that you find a style blogger from Antigua on the internet, especially one with such an amazing sense of fashion. I discovered Nichole's blog while I was searching through instagram. I saw the link under her bio and instantly fell in love. Her style is flawless and her taste is nothing short of impeccable. So as usual, when i find a blog that i adore, i do up a little post of my faves. I had a hard time picking and choosing but i mustered up the courage and here are my faves :)


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