I did a wash and go on Saturday and I am highly satisfied with the level of definition and hold that i had :) I used Cantu products to achieve the look. I washed my hair with Tresseme's Conditioner (For all Hair Types apparently) and washed it out of my hair. Then I took some Cantu Leave in Conditioner and moisturized my hair and coat my curls. Then i put Cantu's define and shine custard onto my sectioned hair. I had to use a small amount as it is a very sticky substance and leaves a lot of residue. After coating my hair with the custard my curls started to become heavily defined (as shown in the photographs).
I was satisfied with the hold that i achieved with the product and rocked defined hair for 3 days in a row. I do commend Cantu for creating products that work well with my hair, but i'm still peeved about the level of residue that the product creates. Yes the hold is great, yes my curls are defined, but having giant chunks of dried product in my hair is not pretty. After 3 days of wearing my hair like that, i had to wash my hair to remove the custard residue. Even after intense washing and rinsing, my hair was still covered in residue, so i resorted to brushing the clumps out of my hair. :(
I really do love the definition as shown in the photographs, but the residue that is left is just not cutting it for me. All in all the product gets top mark for definition and hold, but scores poorly in the residue department.
[polldaddy poll=8801494]