It's been 7 awesome months since i made the decision to go natural... I decided to transition instead of doing a big chop for fear of looking like a boy. I had originally intended to transition for a year.... but after 6 months of transitioning i got fed up of battling two textures. So, i did what any normal person would do... i went into my bathroom with my blue handle scissors and cut off my hair. After slowly cutting off the tiny straggles of relaxed ends that i had left, i was fully natural. On May 4th, the day of my not so big chop, i had 2 1/2 inches of hair on my head. Now... 7 months later i have 7 inches of hair which stretches a little past my nose. It took quite a lot of patience to get this far.

I can totally agree with the various hair bloggers when they say that your hair changes after the big chop. The day of my chop, my hair was extremely hard and was in dire need of moisture... it also didn't help that i went out to a fair in the hot sun and had nothing else but water to keep it going. Also.. my hair seemed to grow in one consistent pattern that i identified as 4C. however, with length came a bunch of new things. The front and back of my hair is notably 4a in it's composition and whenever my hair gets wet it droops down in my face and down my neck. The sides are mostly 4c and poofs out now... before my entire fro would just shrink. The Front of my hair is a lot softer and i have a large section at the middle and sides of my head where straight hairs grow with my fro. Lots of people thought i still had permed ends until the looked at the whole strand and realized it grew straight from my scalp.

I've been experimenting with ways to style my hair daily as a twist out everyday doesn't really work anymore. I've gotten products to help with my hair and honestly my hair now holds moisture for days on end. I use a lot of oils which keeps my hair nice and shiny. My hair is also extremely thick.. but i love it that way. A few weeks ago i did my first flat iron on my hair.. and i failed miserably. I had prepped my hair with moisture and heat protectant, but my flat iron to 350 degrees and my hair never did fall flat. It just stretched out further to show how much length i had retained but it wasn't the straightened look i had expected. I liked what had happened tho because i got to rock giant puffs for a while... i don't have any of those pictures in this post though.. maybe another time ^_^ I've even experimented with marley hair and created some cool styles which gave my hair more volume. After 7 months i can say that i am satisfied with my hair and how it's growing so far.

NB: If you haven't noticed, you can see a reduction in pimples on my face. That's because i decided to reduce my soda and juice intake and now drink mostly water. I've seen a difference in my hair health and my skin and i think i'll keep doing this.