Out and About: Freeman's Bay
Beach Days are very Important to me. They used to be fun and frequent, now they are few and far between. However, whenever I get the chance to go to sea with my friends, I do my best to make the most of it.
I love going to the beach for the simple pleasures, I love feeling the sand between my toes, feel the salt sting my eyes, and feel the water on my skin; no matter the temperature. The hardest part about leaving for University in August will be leaving behind the little therapy coves and rock pools that i've come to know and love.
On Sunday, I visited one of my favorite beaches for the first in a long time. It was good trekking the familiar pathways. I truly missed Freeman's Bay (Galleon Beach). Being the explorer that I am, My favorite had to indeed have little hidden treasures which set it apart from other beaches, features which made it unique.
Freeman's Bay is home to an amazing wonder. The Pillars of Hercules are amazing natural rock forms, and the sight of them is extremely humbling. It reminds you of how small you truly are in the grander scheme of things.
Pillars of Hercules
There's something about being surrounded by nature and its wonders that just makes everything even more beautiful. I took photographs of myself at the pillars when I went. I wanted to have these memories when I'm feeling a bit down. I can look back and think, I was in this moment, I experienced this, and it was something truly beautiful.
I think more people should go to the beach. More people should appreciate the fact that they have sand and sea and salt and sun... not many people are this lucky. Some people spend thousands of dollars trying to get here, and we neglect what we have for free in our own back yard.
I am truly happy that my favorite place is the beach. I am truly happy that I was able to revisit my favorite place on Sunday. I am happy that i'll have these memories when I'm older. I am even more glad that i'll have these to look back on when I'm huddled up in my dorm room in England cussing myself for studying in the cold.
Most importantly, I'm thankful for the wonders of nature and the ability to enjoy it.
The Cotton Tree & Minnie Mouse ( Best Beach Babes Forever )
My Brother & I