I haven't sat down to write anything since February 25th, that post is still in drafts waiting to see the light of day. Bad maintenance on my part, but I was waiting on the inspiration that I needed to knock up this post.
As you are about to be informed, since I failed to tell you before, in February I decided to kick into gear and start going to the gym. I know what you are saying, "why is this teeny girl going to the gym, she doesn't need to lose any weight." Well this has nothing to do with weight loss but everything to do with remaining fit and healthy. I have gained a few healthy pounds since this journey has begun.
On Sundays which are usually slated for exploration, the Gym organizes group hikes which have become the highlight of my weekend. We take treks to these cool locations which fit right up my alley in terms of what I like to do.
The View of the Coastline
When we go hiking, we don't take the traditional route. We make our way through some back alley and seem to end of at truly spectacular places. That is what motivates me on our hikes. I push and stay ahead of the curve because at the end of it all, the view up ahead is going to be breathtaking. My cellphone camera doesn't do the view any justice at all.
View the fringe reef
Coast Line
So far, we've hiked to Barter as pictured above, beyond that to Wallings Dam, and even out into Bethesda overlooking the landscape. It's truly deepened my love for exploring, renewed my resolve for hiking, and allowed me to stay fit.
Trust me when I say I can walk for hours on a stretch now on varying terrains and you wouldn't be able to beat me at it :).
Wallings Dam - It's Dry Because Antigua is in a 27 month long drought
Wallings Dam
Here's the view from last Sunday's hike up through Bethesda :) If you get the chance, ask about the Gym in Liberta and tag along on a Sunday hike, it'll be worth the slight pain.
The view overlooking Bethesda