My Outfits

Throwback Thursday


It's been a year since I've graduated from high school, and in memoriam of this shining achievement, I've decided to do a "Throwback Thursday" post about my prom and what I wore. I ordered my dress on 'Prom Girl' which is this website that sells a large array of prom dresses and styles. My shoes I found while on a day trip to Barbados. My Prom wasn't some magical and unforgettable night, but it wasn't bad either. I had a good bit of fun and since I was with friends it made the evening memorable.


Big Chop

Well, It's obvious that i'm weeks late with this post.... but ... i finally big chopped! I did it on Sunday May 4th at approx 10 something in the morning with blue handled tailor scissors. I had a whole lot of hair under there. I really love my TWA which as i have noted before is one big puff of 4C hair. For some reason, people seem to hate 4c hair, but i actually like it and my hair is pretty darn soft. Shrinkage plagues my daily life but it's for the best. I do a lot of flat twists and have come across some pretty great products namely As I am coconut co-wash and Hawaiian Silky. Those are my favorites along with Indian Hemp a grease i use on my scalp. I love my new hair and my new look :) and i hope you like it too. I'm gonna have fun on this journey and i hope i attain the happy healthy hair i want. 






I've gotten back in my braids :) I'm on the final stretch of my journey to the hair i was born with. On May 13th i'll be saying good bye to my permed hair and hello to a teeny weeny afro (TWA). I'm ready. I'm pumped. I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm not second guessing this. It's what i want and quite frankly i don't care if i look ugly... 

I've also been doing this fitness thing. I've been trying to acquire a shape for my 17th birthday and also i've been trying to stay fit. Skinny does not equal fit. I do squats, bridges, and crunches on a weekly basis and i'm seeing those results :)

Dress: Upscale ( Redcliffe Quay )

Shoes: Ballet Flats (Size 6B)

Hello : )

  So it's been 2 months of braids and it's finally time to take them out. But before i did, i decided to take a couple of shots with a giant hair bun. My brother and i trudged down the road with my trusty camera in hand and got some pretty decent shots. I think i've grown so much and i'm finally starting to look as if i'm about to be 17. I've been so busy with college and trying to keep on top of everything as of late. It's almost time for me to do my 'big chop' and i'm super duper excited. I can't wait to see the difference.