This week has been a really fun week for me. I Had the opportunity to take photographs for a 4.5 star hotel in Antigua called Cocobay Resort. The photos are promotional and are to be used on their Instagram and Facebook pages.
It's not permanent, as I'm only one of 2 photographers they are screening, but I do hope that I'm the successful candidate. So, I've decided to post some of the photos that I took during my one week at Cocobay Resort.
I created a font to be used for the branding of the hotel, and i put that on all the photos that i produced for the hotel. If I'm chosen, I'd produce 7 photos a week for the hotel, 5 of the guests and 2 of my choice. I'm pretty proud of the work that I've done this week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Because I really really want this, and the funds would help me finance my law degree, as well as build my professional portfolio.
I never really post much of my photography on my blog, but I've decided to start doing so in an effort to market myself and build my brand. I've been afforded many wonderful opportunities and I'm really glad that I can add Hotel Photographer to my list of accomplishments in my short lifetime.
I had to come up with unique and unusual shots of different areas at the hotel. I had to make sure that i was very nice to the guests as well and be friendly with the other staff.
I was not introduced to the photographer who I'm "competing" against for the position which makes it harder as I'm not sure how I'll do against them, but I'm hoping for the best. Hopefully my work brings them a lot more social media credits.
I'll let you guys know how it goes and if i successfully passed the trials. Keep your fingers crossed with me.